09 427 4060    |     09 222 9000    |     09 222 9001    |

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Philosophy, early learning, pre school, kindergarden, child minders, baby sitter, Red Beach, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparaoa, Orewa, Dairy Flat, Kaukapakapa. Sound educational programmes & opportunities from our experienced team with. Professional care for your pre-school child

Parent Testimonials
Thank you so much for making Rhys a better person each and every day he has been in your care, and for being such a positive impact in these...
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411 Wainui Rd,
Silverdale 0992
09 427 4060

Visit our Facebook Page


98 Totara Views Drive
cnr Millwater Parkway,
Red Beach, Silverdale 0932
09 222 9000

Visit our Facebook Page


1669 Dairy Flat Highway,
Silverdale 0992
09 222 9001

Visit our Facebook Page

Latest Centre News

Silverdale opening hours

We are pleased to announce that we are extending our opening hours to 7.00am - 6.00pm as of Tuesday 28 th January.


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All our latest news and event notifications have been moved to Educa and our Facebook pages. Please look on those pages for regular updates.


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Our Philosophy

We, at Fantails, see ourselves as a large extended family embracing uara whānau (family values).

We integrate a bicultural perspective; providing all ākonga (learners) with opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding about the heritages and aspirations of both partners to Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Te Whāriki, the National Early Childhood Curriculum, is the foundation that encourages holistic learning and development and on which we base our philosophy.

We are a warm and welcoming place where children and whānau (family) belong. Where the diverse backgrounds, values, traditions and capabilities of those within our learning community are embraced, celebrated and reflected in our unique learning environment. A place where we value and foster ngā hononga (relationships) and provide an environment of whakamana (empowerment) which allows our children to develop to their potential; fostering their overall sense of well-being through their physical, social, emotional and spiritual health.

Our goal is to provide quality education that will have a significant and lasting impact on children’s development. Our aim is that when children leave our centre they will be competent, resilient and secure in who they are; knowing that they make a valued contribution to society and will continue to have a love of learning throughout their lives.

Dated: Nov 2021

How do we do it?

We see the environment as the third teacher and have set up Fantails to meet the varying developmental levels and learning needs of each child.

All children have the opportunity to experience a rich environment that encompasses tactile experiences, literacy and numeracy skills, outdoor play, sand/water/carpentry, block building, family play, puzzles, art and much more.

Children choose the areas that interest them and teachers support these interests and learning through discussion. These discussions often lead into the recording of learning stories which are kept in individual children's portfolios.

Our high number of caring qualified staff is there to ensure that during the time your child is at Fantails they receive high quality education and care that is tailored to their individual needs. To help us achieve this we have a high number of educators to the number of children present.



411 Wainui Rd,
Silverdale, Auckland
09 427 4060

98 Totara Views Drive
cnr Millwater Parkway, Silverdale 0932
09 222 9000

1669 Dairy Flat Highway,
Silverdale 0992
09 222 9001


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