09 427 4060    |     09 222 9000    |     09 222 9001    |

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School Readiness, early learning, pre school, kindergarden, child minders, baby sitter, Red Beach, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparaoa, Orewa, Dairy Flat, Kaukapakapa. Sound educational programmes & opportunities from our experienced team with. Professional care for your pre-school child

Parent Testimonials
Thank you Sarah, And thanks to all of the kaiako in the Morepork room. Finlay has had a lovely start to his time at Fantails under the care and...
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411 Wainui Rd,
Silverdale 0992
09 427 4060

Visit our Facebook Page


98 Totara Views Drive
cnr Millwater Parkway,
Red Beach, Silverdale 0932
09 222 9000

Visit our Facebook Page


1669 Dairy Flat Highway,
Silverdale 0992
09 222 9001

Visit our Facebook Page

Latest Centre News

Silverdale opening hours

We are pleased to announce that we are extending our opening hours to 7.00am - 6.00pm as of Tuesday 28 th January.


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All our latest news and event notifications have been moved to Educa and our Facebook pages. Please look on those pages for regular updates.


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School Readiness

Children who settle into school easily are the ones who have attended a quality Early Learning Centre or Pre-School with a professional school readiness program, says new entrant teachers.

Our Fantail Flyers school readiness program has been created by our experienced and qualified team, in collaboration with the new entrant teachers of our local schools. Special attention is given to not just word recognition, numeracy and vocabulary but also concentration, working in a group and routines.

As part of the program Fantails will provide lunchboxes and drink bottles to help with this change of routine as children enter school. Our aim is to build confidence so children can move comfortably into "big school".

While every child is different, by the time they leave Fantails to go to school we would like them to have developed the following:

Early literacy and numeracy skills

Characteristics needed for ongoing learning

Confidence in self-help routines

A good grasp of problem solving skills

Sound social skills

At Fantails literacy and numeracy are taught in a variety of ways including:


Be part of our unique programme, contact us today.




411 Wainui Rd,
Silverdale, Auckland
09 427 4060

98 Totara Views Drive
cnr Millwater Parkway, Silverdale 0932
09 222 9000

1669 Dairy Flat Highway,
Silverdale 0992
09 222 9001


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