411 Wainui Rd,
Silverdale 0992
09 427 4060
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98 Totara Views Drive
cnr Millwater Parkway,
Red Beach, Silverdale 0932
09 222 9000
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1669 Dairy Flat Highway,
Silverdale 0992
09 222 9001
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We are pleased to announce that we are extending our opening hours to 7.00am - 6.00pm as of Tuesday 28 th January.
Read More2021-01-01
Read MoreWith Educa you can see what your child is up to, all online. Educa gives you a unique insight into your child's learning, by combining the advantages of the internet and a portfolio. Continue reading to learn how you can benefit from Educa.
Parents can access the learning of their children from anywhere with the native iPhone and Android apps. With the ease to view photos, watch videos and read learning stories of their children, parents can keep up to date with their children's learning and getting more involved in children's education.
With everything online, photos, videos and learning stories of your child are available at home. This means that you can download, print and frame pictures right away. No more need to cut it out from the portfolio.
At Educa we put children first; part of that means keeping their data safe, so only those who are allowed get access. Only the teachers and the child's parents can view the child's data. Everything is stored safely on our server.
Educa is made so that you can access it from your computer and mobile device, anywhere and any time you have internet access. There are no restrictions and you don't have to bring it back to the centre when you borrow it. Educa is always there. With Educa even grandparents and other relatives can log on and view your child's learning.
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